We are very aware people are worried about the current situation. Our priority is the safety and well being of all students, teachers & their families.
We are currently constantly monitoring the situation: taking advice from the ISTD and following government guidelines.
The dance school will remain open at present (like schools)
ISTD exams & exam coaching will run until we are informed otherwise.
Banbury festival has been postponed & we are awaiting news on Nuneaton festival.
We appreciate this may cause an inconvenience but we have a responsibility to protect all our members.
We also appreciate some people may wish to not bring their children to lessons
STDA Policy: COVID-19
We request that all pupils & families at STDA adhere to the following: (This is in line with government advice)
We ask where possible parents drop children off and collect from the door. We appreciate this will not be possible with the very little ones. (This will be overseen by teachers for safety and child protection issues)
This is to minimize “foot fall” & keep as much distance as possible.
All pupils & parents will be asked to wash their hands when they come in to the studio and before they leave the building.
We are cleaning the studio DAILY before classes start to maintain hygiene as much as possible.
Please do not come to the studio for 14 days if you have:
- A high temperature
- A new, continuous cough
- Had contact with someone who has suspected or confirmed COVID19
- Or any other symptoms relating to COVID19
We appreciate this may cause an inconvenience but we have a responsibility to protect all our members. We also appreciate some people may wish to not bring their children to lessons.
Our policy will be changed/updated when required following government & ISTD advice.
Policy written: 13th March 2020, Updated 17th March